Well, today is the day. The day that we've been waiting for since April 1st is finally here. The time stamp below is absolutely correct--it's 3:00AM and we are making preparations to head to the hospital. Last night, we checked the suitcases one last time, made sure the digital camera had fresh batteries (they suck the life right out of them, you know), and even bought some diapers at half price thanks to the Drug/GM department head at my Kroger.
Due to the excitement, nerves, and the like, Leah never was able to fall asleep. She took a Tylenol PM for a headache, and it did its job in the pain relief department, but little else. She's got a long day ahead of her, and I hope that the rest she's had will get her through the day. Following the instructions of the doctor's office for her induction, she hasn't had anything since midnight, and right now is really thirsty (but can't have anything--even water). Hopefully she can have ice chips when we get settled. I've had about 3 1/2 - 4 hours of sleep, but it really wasn't that sound. I guess somehow I might've been paranoid of oversleeping and yes, probably a bit excited, too.
If the labor and delivery rooms had high speed access, I'd gladly plug into the wall and practically offer a live blog of the process as our day progressed (except for maybe the "push push push....ohmygosh, I see his hair!" part). But on dial-up, by the time I got done with one entry and pressed "Save", it'd probably be time for another one. And by the time I got a digital picture or two uploaded and linked, Nicholas would be celebrating his 1st birthday. So I'm gonna try to take some notes and hit the highlights and get them on here as soon as possible. Maybe live webcam and iPod podcast of the delivery will be available for the next baby (assuming Leah wants to do this again).
On a serious note, keep us in your thoughts and prayers today--we're just not sure what today holds, and right now we're about 51% excited and 49% nervous. But we can hardly wait to see (and hold!) Nicholas, and that's what we'll keep in mind all day. Happy Birthday, Nicholas--Mommy and Daddy can't wait to meet you.
Happy Birthday little dude. You're really cute and your mom did a whale of a job today. You should be really proud of her. And your I think he was the proudest I have ever seen him. You've got two great parents and a lot of family with oodles of love.
Welcome to the Russell family.
thanks for the comment Steve. Guess Eric's been kind of busy today to give us the news...
by the way, I say that with a grin. :)
Steve tells me Nicholas showed himself at 6:11 Monday night. Many congrats to Leah and Eric!
::does the i got a 2nd cousin today dance:: Congrats!!!
Actually, Steve didn't get the official press release, so his details were a little sketchy. He was born at 6:14PM. But what's 180 seconds??
I was having a hard time hearing at the press conference over the squealing and crying new grnadparents.
Yes, the sweetest, cutest grandson ever -- and couldn't be more proud and happy. The 1st time I kept him while Mom and Dad went to a Christmas party, he was in my lap after his nap, looking around -- tears began to stream down my face -- I looked up and said, "Thank you God for what you've done." Eric and Leah are awesome parents which little Nicholas will discover more as time goes on. I'm sure he does know it now in his own little way. Looking so forward to watching this little life develop and grow. Love you Nicholas --
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