BabyQuest 2005

Join Leah and me down our journey to parenthood: From thoughts about and plans to conceive, to worries and anxiety and doctor's visits.....We want to give a candid look at the process of God blessing us with a son.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Times, They Are a Changin'

Thursday's doctor's appointment was quite eventful--probably the most information-gathering and revelation-receiving one yet. So, what was the big deal? As one of my favorite phrases says, "Would you like the entire list, or just the top 10?"

* Updated measurements: If you recall from our first ultrasound (i.e., last month's appointment), our little boy's head measurements were a bit ahead of the other two size indicators. Nothing of concern, but the doc ordered a 2nd ultrasound this time to see if everything was catching up. Yep. But here's the catch......this time, all 3 indicated an age of almost 27 weeks, yet the current calculations had us at almost 25 weeks. Which leads us right into the next point....

* If you have been over at the home page, and paying close attention, you'll see that the due date has changed, and instead of "24 weeks" increasing by 1 this time, it increased by 3. Yes, Dr. Bannister thinks that because of his current size, our little man might be here before we originally thought. So he's either gonna be here early, or we really calculated correctly all along and he'll just be extremely, uh, healthy, when he arrives. Only time will tell.

* Leah's iron level is a bit low. Nothing uncommon for pregnant women. So she is now taking an iron supplement to help that out.

* Sucrose test. This is normally something which is planned ahead of time. That is, they give you the sucrose beverage (imagine a real flat, sugary coke or orange Sunkist) on one visit and tell you to drink it before arriving next time. Your bloodwork is then taken to determine how well your sytems absorbs it. Any level <>

We're quite anxious to see how the weight gain progresses (the baby's, not Leah's!). We're hoping that nothing complicated occurs (size or otherwise) that would prevent a normal delivery. Of course, a late November delivery means we run into a chance of Thanksgiving conflict--it not this year, then in the future. Plus, Leah's brother's birthday is November 27--nothing against him, but sharing a birthday means sharing the spotlight, or having to say, "Today is my birthday, but also my Uncle Michael's."

We're still undecided about a name. At this point, we've kind of tossed around 2 main ones, but I don't know if the final choice will be from that group or not. Probably so. And I really don't know what's keeping us from deciding. It's almost comical at this point. One of the names involves using my middle name as a first name, something that I'm having problems getting used to because 1) it's never really struck me as a first name, and 2) I've never known anybody with that first name. So we'll see.

Tuesday night is the first of our "preparation for childbirth" classes. We're very excited about that, and anxious to see what kind of info that holds. Plus, we get to practice going to the hospital!


At 2:51 PM, Blogger steven.russell said...

I like your middle name as the baby's first name. It is unique. I like it.

At 11:45 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

So Jeff is out, eh? Bummer.

At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go with Clayton!

At 3:14 PM, Blogger steven.russell said...

I agree. I love the name. Clayton Russell. It has a nice ring to it.

At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know a guy named Clayton! He's extremely mental and psychotic! Hehe, but don't let that sway your decision on a name, I actually like Clayton...Clayton Alexander Russell...hehe CAR!! OK, I'm done being nerdy!

At 12:56 PM, Blogger Eric C said...

Whoa! FIVE comments on one entry--we're setting records here! I feel the blog-love, I really do!!

At 9:28 PM, Blogger steven.russell said...

Ooh. How about Clayton Zeus Alexander Russell.



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