It's a Boy!!!
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, Eric has produced an aspiring fastball hitter and 300 yard golfball driver. Thanks to the marvel of ultrasound technology, we saw with our very own eyes the unmistakable evidence that we're having a boy. And so the Russell anti-female curse remains unbroken since 1978 (when Kristi was born). We also found out that as it stands now, the baby's head seems a bit bigger than normal for his age. Hmm--just like his daddy. I never can find a cap to fit me--usually 7 5/8 or 7 3/4--thereby disproving the "one size fits all" crap that is on most of them.
Today we did a very brief pass through the Opry Mills mall, but still long enough to buy our son some stuff. Gee, that sure does sound weird. "Our son." For the first time in my 32 years of life, I am able to use the term "My son." It's still quite surreal, in a way. Anyway, we picked up a couple of great clearance steals at Old Navy and also patronized the Carter's outlet for some sleepers. I'm sure there will be more to come, but already I'm overcome by the paradox--spending money on adorable stuff that will be outgrown quicker than you can say, "He's growing like a weed."
Anway, that's a brief set of thoughts for now. I'm sure more will be coming as the days and months pass. Our parents are very excited, and Saturday, Mom and Donna will be going to a Grandparents Are Special class over at Babies R Us. Mike (Leah's dad) says that this is proof that he should always have a fishing boat. And I've got to start shopping for golf clubs. : )
I cant express how happy I am for your little family. :)
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