BabyQuest 2005

Join Leah and me down our journey to parenthood: From thoughts about and plans to conceive, to worries and anxiety and doctor's visits.....We want to give a candid look at the process of God blessing us with a son.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Seeing the Doc

As mentioned in yesterday's post, today was the 16-week appointment day. Actually, we were supposed to go last Thursday, but some of Dr. B's scheduling challenges created a need to reschedule. So today it was. Heck, we're halfway through week 17 by now, but that just means we don't have to wait so long for the next one.

First and foremost, a due date!! On the first visit (8 weeks), Dr. B told us that our 2nd appointment would be a better indication of due date, we'd hear the heartbeat, etc. So then at that appointment, we got all up in a tizzy because we heard the heartbeat, and then she started telling us about an upcoming test that could be done (more on that in a minute), and we left outta there without "officially" obtaining one. So this time, when the nurse asked, "What's your due date?" we were quick to point out that we sure did wish we had one. So she got out her handy-dandy, calculator chart and arrived at December 10.

There is a blood test that's known as the "triple screen," that can be done in the 15-18 week window. The sole purpose of the test is to determine if the baby is at risk for some health issues, namely spina bifida and Down's syndrome. It's generally recommended if there are significant risk factors (which there aren't), and there's about a 15% chance that a "Yes" result really is a "No." So given those two facts, we decided against it. Dr. Bannister thought that our decision was probably best.

Aside from that, today's appointment did little else. The doctor did perform the first of the monthly measurements of the belly--in her words, "It's definitely grown!" She was very pleased with Leah's progress so far with regards to weight gain, blood pressure, etc. So right now we're on the doc's good side, and that's a good thing.

Coming up in a little over three weeks.......the ultrasound! Hopefully we'll have a cooperative infant who will reveal his or her identity!


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