Updates and Reminders
Just as a reminder if you're used to jumping over here to the blog from the main Russellbaby.com website, you might be out of luck if the webhosting server is down (as it is at this very moment). So anyhoo, just remember "blogspot" if at all possible--as in russellbaby.blogspot.com. There you go.
Still not much going on, but that's a very good thing. Leah hasn't really been sick one time, but we're holding our collective breath since rumor has it that sometimes the morning sickness bug bites later in the pregnancy. But so far, so good.
Leah has been a bit restless at night, which kinda bugs her, and then she's afraid that she's disturbing me. Apparently this really isn't all that uncommon, but can lead to more fatigue during the day and all that. Special pregnancy pillows are on the market that cater to the position that is supposed to be the most comfortable (think body pillow mixed with special contour support). I'm sure we'll get one before it's all over with. I can feel my side of the bed getting smaller and smaller. : )
As I mentioned in a previous post, there are many companies that rent out Doppler equipment for home use. Well, ours arrived this week from the fine folks at Baby Beat. The cool thing about this unit is that it's the only one that has the ability to record the heartbeat "on the fly", which allows you to then transfer it to the computer. So yes, I should soon have a .wav file for any and all to hear--neat stuff!! Check back later for updates, but once we get a good, strong, and consistent heartbeat that worthy of saving, I'm sure I'll pass it along.
We're halfway to our next appointment, which will then be 4 weeks from our ultrasound. I'm just sayin'. We're not excited or anything. : )
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