Grab Bag
No real clever title today, namely because I've got a few things to blog about, and none of them are really related. So it's kind of a mixture. Sure, I guess I could do separate entries for each, but why bother?
First of all, I'd like to report that Leah is doing awesome! The most common question I get is, "How's Leah?" At risk of putting a huge jinx on ourselves, the last 10 weeks have been relatively complication free. Initially, she had a bit of congestion and nasal crud that didn't seem like it was going anywhere. But the morning sickness, vomiting, extreme nausea, etc. hasn't been there. Other pregnant women might be cursing us, but hey, you know what they say--Don't hate the player...Hate the game. Or something like that. But so far, so good.
Remember back in early February, when I blogged about Leah's co-worker Stacy announcing that she was pregnant? Well, today Mr. and Mrs. Bailey find out what they are having (i.e., boy vs. girl). This isn't gonna dictate nursery colors or anything like that b/c they've already got it painted and ready, in the Classic Pooh design. Stacy made the comment that it's gonna make it seem that much more real--not just some abstract object in her belly that she'll see in 20 more weeks. Kristi said the same thing not too long ago. I can hardly wait until our ultrasound which will probably be in late July. I know that Stacy and Mike will have as much fun as we're gonna have over the next several months. And I can hardly wait to park our infant carriers beside each other.
Strike 2 in the nursery design department. We spotted a neutral pattern by Kidsline in BRU one time that Leah liked, which we later found out was discontinued. It's still available to some degree, but if you decide you wanna buy a switchplate cover, or a lamp shade, chances are you're gonna have to special order it from someplace like supercheapandinexpensivebabybedding .com in Poughkipsie, NY. Well, this morning she stumbled upon another one of Kidsline patterns, and wouldn't you know it--it too is no longer a current pattern. I called the company to verify this, and wondered how often this sort of thing happens. This last one has apparently been out for 7 years or so, so I guess it's about time to retire it. Either that, or Leah and I are stuck in the 90's when it comes to baby patterns.
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