So, What's Been Going On?
So by now you've probably thought this whole thing through, and come to the realization that we've know for a couple of weeks (at least) about this whole pregnancy thing. You would be correct. The first home pregnancy test that we took that we actually felt like the results sorta looked positive was, ironically enough, April 1--April Fool's Day. Two days later the same 2nd line returned (one line--No, two lines--Yes), so it was then that we told the grandparents-to-be that it looked like their prayers were answered (which I'm gonna remind them of when it comes time to babysit).
The last few weeks have been really about information-gathering. We've been to Babies R Us twice (Leah, a 3rd time with her mom, I think), and we've begun trying to find out all we can about crossing the river of parenthood into a land called "Dependents & Tax Deductions." And poverty. Leah has already found a couple of nursery patterns that she likes, but at this point in the game they are the "neutral" designs. I think we'd both like to get started painting the nursery and slapping wallpaper border up, but it just isn't practical to force ourselves to choose a neutral pattern, since about 13 weeks from now we hope to know for sure if my X or Y chromosome won the race for the egg.
We're both looking forward to the doctor's appointment on Monday. I will finally get to meet Dr. Bannister, and I think Leah and I both have a few questions about everything from what to eat to who will be delivering our child at 3:00AM on a Sunday morning. I think Kristi said it best--Not only will we make sure that everything is OK, "it makes it seem that much more real." Because all we have now is two lines on a stick. And lots of plans. And a ton of love waiting to be unloaded.
Congratulations! I stumbled on your blog and completely relate to the excitement you two must be feeling! (My husband and I are 10 weeks pregnant after infertility). I wish you both the best - have a happy and healthy nine months!
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