Scratch That One Off the List
It seems the U.S. Consumer Product Safety board/commission/club/formal entity slapped a nice little fine on Graco over failure to report some injury reports and such stemming from use of their product. Now, perhaps I'll feel differently about this when a baby comes along, but these type of things have always intriuged me a little bit--Is there ANY responsibility to be had here on the part of say, parents, grandparents, and/or babysitters? Was the child supervised at all? How about assembly of the bed--was it done correctly?? Now, if the brackets were faulty or the wood was splitting or the plastic widget was breaking, then fine. But we live in a litagation-happy society where anybody that can be traced back to the situation is deemed responsible. Is it really the crib manufacturerss fault if your 2-year old threw his bedsheet over the ceiling fan and did a trapeeze act over the edge, or if he smuggled a screwdriver into his Pampers Cruisers and loosened one bolt of the side rail?? Obviously I'm being a bit facetious, but I'm just saying that companies, while bearing a lot of responsibility in making products for this market, probably settle a lot of this crap to avoid dragging their name into court and getting bad publicity. The term "catch 22" comes to mind.
Maybe I'm spouting off at the mouth at something I know NOTHING about. I'm not totally writing Graco off of our baby shopping list--but I'll make myself a more informed consumer.
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