Good News is No News
Although Leah's doctor appointment was Monday, the results weren't discovered and disclosed until yesterday. After some "phone tag"--the nurse happened to call when Leah was on the phone with a customer--she finally got the results: Negative. That is, the test for the problem that would a) have to be treated before beginning any fertility medicine, and b) probably have created problems during pregnancy, turned up NEGATIVE. Which is a good thing. Leah was especially relieved, and it showed.
Now, on to the medicine. You will recall from an earlier post that Dr. Bannister estimated that without help, our chances of conceiving on our own were around 1%. So, a very common drug that is almost ALWAYS the first line of treatment of this and similar problems is something called Clomiphene Citrate, aka the brand names Clomid and Serophene.
Of course, everyone always hears "fertility drugs" and automatically thinks "quintuplets." Not really true here. Yes, the possibility goes up, but we're talking single digits here: Normally, the chances are 3-5%, now they're 5-8% or something along those lines. I did some quick online searching, and found out exactly what going to be going on inside my wife's reproductive system. I did stumble upon one encouraging statistic: Over 50% of women who start taking this drug get pregnant by the end of the 3rd month. So, we've gone from 1% to more than 50%, and I like those odds better. The rest is in God's hands.
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you
Jeremiah 1:5 a
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