BabyQuest 2005

Join Leah and me down our journey to parenthood: From thoughts about and plans to conceive, to worries and anxiety and doctor's visits.....We want to give a candid look at the process of God blessing us with a son.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Welcome to Our Blog!

Well, for some reason or another, I came up with the idea to start a blog that has to do with our pregnancy. The goofy thing about this is that right now, there isn't a pregnancy. But when the time comes that this blog is "out there" and read every day by family members, interested parties, and maybe random visitors, the world will know what my thoughts were on January 3, 2005.

I'm sure we'll spare some of the details, but without fail, everyone will want to know how the pregnancy is going, what the doctors are saying, when her next appointment is, how Leah is doing, etc. So here ya go. If you're up at 2 AM because you just can't sleep, and happen to wonder about us--here ya go.


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