The Chicken Laid an Egg
Or at least, the Clomid did! The makers of Leah's fertility medicine should be congratulated, for it appears that we are on the right track of conception. The loud yelling and excitement that you heard yesterday was when Leah got her bloodwork results back from Monday's visit to the doctor.
Here's the scoop (I'll save all the medical terminology for those more qualified to use it): The hormone level that is imperative to ovulation must be above 8.0. No hormone = no ovulation = no pregnancy. Got it? Leah's level was .04. Yes, that's .5% of where it needs to be. Well, the 1st dose of drugs was taken this month, and it produced a level of.................(drumroll, please)....... 9.3. Or somewhere around there (I'm sure I'll be corrected if I missed the exact number. Something like, "You weren't listening.....I said nine point FOUR TWO FIVE. You never listen. See--that's what I'm talking about.")
So, if you want the Cliffs Notes version, just know that we now have eggs with which to work. You know, the whole "two to tango" bit. Now we should have all the ingredients to make a little Russell tax deduction.
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