BabyQuest 2005

Join Leah and me down our journey to parenthood: From thoughts about and plans to conceive, to worries and anxiety and doctor's visits.....We want to give a candid look at the process of God blessing us with a son.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Minor Med

We had a little scare today. Nothing serious, but something that I think had us both uneasy until we had something else to cling on to. I myself have never been pregnant before (please, try not to act surprised), so I really didn't want to try to offer advice or comforting words about something I know ZERO about. Should I really say, "It'll be OK" when in fact it may not really be OK?

So Leah calls me about 9:15 this morning, practically in tears. She's hurting, and her heart is racing. She had a similar episode yesterday at church (the heart racing part), so we skipped out after sunday school, er, "connection group." We really didn't think anything of it at the time, and just chalked it up as a bit bizarre. But the fact that it had happened twice in about 24 hours time seemed like cause for concern. She called the nurse's line, they suggested she come in, and so we probably annoyed the staff by not only interrupting their solitaire game with an unplanned appointment, but went to a different office than we usually go to. Should we bring candy or flowers as a peace offering?

I'll spare you the suspense. No big deal. The on again/off again pain is contributed to round ligaments--and is apparently something that varies from person to person and even pregnancy to pregnancy. There really wasn't an explanation for the fast heartbeat--it's also not unheard of. No real remedy for it, either, other than getting that soon-to-be 7ish pound living thing out of your tummy.

In the "every cloud has a silver lining" department, the doc called for an ultrasound just to make sure that the pain wasn't coming from something else (e.g., cervix, uterus, etc). So yes, we got the see the little man on the screen again. Seeing him today was as magical and heart-warming as seeing him the first time--except without Leah's tears (smile, honey!). He was quite animated today--and at one point even had his knees bent with his ankles crossed--with one hand on his knee. I think he was bored and wishing for some entertainment, but who am I to judge?! Believe you me--there will be plenty of LeapFrog, Evenflo, Graco, PlaySkool, and who knows what else when he arrives. And maybe even SportsCenter pumped into his room.


At 8:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey.....Sorry to hear about the scare but glad it's all ok! The nursery looks great! I'm sure the "little dude" will like it....when he's old enough to know what it is he's looking at, anyway!


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