BabyQuest 2005

Join Leah and me down our journey to parenthood: From thoughts about and plans to conceive, to worries and anxiety and doctor's visits.....We want to give a candid look at the process of God blessing us with a son.

Monday, August 08, 2005

It is Finished

Please don't think I'm all sacreligious by going all "Jesus" on you....It's just that the painting in the nursery, and the border, and the furniture placement, well, it IS finished!!

As previously mentioned, Leah's dad, being the expert painter that he is, took it upon himself to perform the sheetrock patching and painting of his grandson's nursery. Oh yeah, and use his killer discount at the paint store. Then came the border. Not really being the Bob Vila type, I've never hung nary a piece of wallpaper or border. But home ownership and modest means do a lot for your pride. So I did a little internet research, learned a technique called "booking", and practiced a technique called "reading", as in, the instructions (for the border). Adding to the challenge was the discovery on the 4th wall that apparently the ceiling isn't exactly parallel to the floor, so I had a choice to make--the border would either be LEVEL or the bottom edge would be EXACTLY the same distance from the floor (cause it wouldn't be both).

All in all, it wasn't that bad. I will definitely hang border again, and I'm sure if it was adjacent to the ceiling it would be a bit easier because you'd have a built-in straight-edge. I'm a bit of a perfectionist, so my assessment of the finished product is, "Well, a pro would point out this error, and this corner right here is off-pattern by probably 1/4 inch." But I'm not gonna beat myself up over it--I'll just tell the little dude to shut up and be grateful when he wonders why the bear in the pattern has 2 hats on or the basketball looks like a set of boobs. On second thought, depending on how old he is when he uses the term "boobs", it might be time to go to Hooters and buy him a cold one.

Anyhow, if you wanna see what a couple of rookies put together, I've got pics up over at the RussellBaby website. We think we're probably set on where the furniture will be, but of course, that's subject to change. We like how things are right now, but if we change our mind, we'll be sure and let you know.

Wow, religious reference and boobs in the same post. I might need counseling.


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