1,000 Hits and More
Whoa! I was just over at the RussellBaby main page, and I glanced at the hit counter at the bottom--I was number 1,000! For any of you not familiar with the internet lingo, a "hit" is simply a visit to the page. So if you, me, and Leah all visit the sight today, I would say that it had 3 hits today. So on 1,000 different occasions, someone has pointed their browser to our little site and checked it out. Heck, I just got an email suggestion from Amy in North Carolina about the Evenflo infant carrier--she saw a message that I had posted on a board and offered some "real world" advice since she's about 9 months ahead of us. If you're reading........Hello Amy, and thanks!!!
Well, the furniture journey came full circle on Saturday. Remember back in March, when we strolled casually into the Kids Furniture place and took a look around?? About 10:20AM Saturday, we went back there to pick up our furniture. Pulled around back and loaded 3 boxes up on a little trailer and went home. Dang, it was hot........but with the help of a borrowed utility trailer and a borrowed appliance dolly, my son's furniture found its way into his room. Very cool stuff. Of course, we still have to buy a mattress, as well as all the coordinating sheets and ruffles and wall hangings and blankets and quilt, but at least it's a start.
Grandaddy Blaylock (that would be our child's grandaddy, not Leah's) has started working on our nursery. He volunteered his drywall patching and painting expertise to the effort, so we certainly allowed him the opportunity. In a sick sort of way, I kinda enjoy painting (and still may help him, I don't know), but he told us awhile back that it was something that he wanted to do. So he's using his skills, and his Farrell Calhoun discount, and this week will be getting little dude's room to the hue that Mommy and Daddy picked out. Dang, this is getting weirder by the day.
And for those who may be wondering.......No, we haven't decided on a name yet. So sue us. If the ultrasound had revealed a girl, we would've had a name that very instant. But we have yet to decide on one for the little guy. You know, it holds a lot more consequences than, say, naming your dog. We're talking nicknames and college applications and kindergarten tablet paper. When we finally decide on one, we'll make sure everyone knows. For now, it's just driving everyone crazy. More so than us, actually.
How about Boethius Augustine Russell? His name would have tremendous church history implications, and his initials would be BAR.
Of course, you don't have to have just a first and middle name. Some children have additional names. So here's an example:
Paul Oscar Kevin Eric Russell. Then he could be a junior, and have the initials POKER.
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