Keeping Up With the Joneses, er, Duggars
I'm flabbergasted. Shocked. Not really sure what to say. Seems like this family over in Arkansas wasn't satisfied with 2.5 children. Or 5. Or even 10 or 15. Seems they've welcomed their 16th child into the world recently, and haven't ruled out any more.
There are so many practical elements to this that make it, I don't know, crazy. Even if they are affluent enough to afford diapers and clothes and god-knows-how-much groceries, can this be healthy? I'm not criticizing them, but one wonders if at any time in Jim Bob (ain't that a great Arkansas name?) and Michelle's life, they will stop and say, "I think we went a little overboard." I guess they'll have plenty of folks to care for them when they get old, but Christmas shopping has to be a trip. What do they drive? A mini-van wouldn't be enough. Heck, a 15-passenger van isn't enough. Maybe they've got a customized school bus.
Love the "J" names, too. Seems like some of them are a bit of a stretch (and there were plenty of normal J-names available), but as long at they're happy and aren't complaining about how hard life is and how society breaks them down by not giving them enough.
Ain't nothing wrong with 'J' names!
Of course, I thought Roger Clemens went a little overboard giving his kids 'K' names, so at least he was wacky company.
And why does it seem so perfect that this Arkansas dad is named Jim Bob?
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