Heartbeat...Not Just for Chevys Anymore
Sorry for the delay in posting, folks. As I blogged about last week over at the Front Porch, Tuesday through Thursday was a big blur because of work and sleep (and not much else), and Friday we left for Louisville. But alas, I'm back behind the keyboard and giving you that much-anticipated update.
After extinguising a small "fire" at work Thursday as I was about to leave (that I'm still working on) that kinda messed up my nice, peaceful exit, I headed home to meet Leah and embark on the trip which would be the first milestone of the pregnancy--the heartbeat. This was our 2nd doctor's visit, so there was also kind of an "uncharted territory" feel to the visit. That is, the first visit was the standard stuff--pee in a cup, do an exam, etc. But what happens the 2nd month? As it turns out--not much. But we got what we went for.
The docs have this thing called a doppler that is solely for detecting a heartbeat. It almost looks like a kids microphone playset--a small microphone-looking thing hooked to a speaker by a spiral, telephone-esque cord. Within seconds of Dr. B applying the 'microphone', we heard it. What a magical sound. Even though we had never heard a heartbeat in utero before, Leah and I both knew instantly what it was. As the baby is still quite small, he/she is moving around quite a bit, so we heard it for a moment or two and then it went away. Then a moment (and a few microphone moves) later, we heard it again. Just like that, Dr. B was satisfied with the result and turned it off. I'm pretty sure Leah and I could've listened to it for another hour, but then again, since when do doctor's offices need help getting behind schedule? Wouldn't it be cool if we could rent that sort of thing, only for a month or two, so we could listen to it anytime we wanted? Oh yeah, these people or these people have already thought about it.
We asked her for an estimated heartbeat rate--there is a wive's tale about heartbeat speed being an indicator of boy or girl. The test--lower heartbeat (lower than 140) is said to mean BOY, while faster heartbeat (greater than 140) indicates a GIRL. Wanna know what ours was? 140. I'm not kidding. Gee, he/she isn't even here yet, and is already being difficult!!!
So that was about it for this go-around. Next time we have an option to take a test to check for stuff like spina biffida, Down's Syndrome, etc. There's a 3- or 4-week window for the test, so it's a "now or never" decision to make. Not sure about it at this point, especially since a) nothing could be done about the problem anyway--it's just an indicator test, and b) 15% of the time, the 'positives' are really negatives.
Two months from now, we get the big kahuna--the ultrasound. But for now, we've got a heartbeat that warms our heart.